About Me

Kerry Carrington.

A Survivor; Blogger; Advocate;

Adjunct Professor Criminology


Kerry has a Phd from Macquarie University. After more than 3 decades in academia, she has left a full time career to establish her own research consultancy.

Now she is owning her past to pursue justice for her brother Randall Scott Carrington, detained involuntarily in Pearce House, at Wolston Park Mental Hospital from 1978 to 1979. He was given 36 rounds of shock treatment, copious experimental psychotic drug treatments and effectively chemically castrated.

He chose suicide over the prospect of being returned to Pearce House in 1980 when found in bed with his boyfriend. Homosexuality was a crime in Qld till 1991 and treated as a mental illness.

Get in touch

If you want to contribute to the journey of seeking justice for the involuntary patients like my brother Randall, don’t hesitate in reaching out.